Podcast 28 - B1/B2 Bathroom words and expressions


How to describe items in your bathroom and what we do there.

Note the language in bold for specific vocabulary, idiomas and collocations. (Sorry, there's a lot of echo in this recording - I'm in the bathroom after all!)

Right. Hello again. Now, today I'm going to talk about the bathroom. So in my flat, we have two bathrooms because I have children, and we need more than one bathroom. So in this bathroom... it's quite small, really, I suppose.

So let's start here at the most important part, which is the basin. Now if you remember when I was talking about the kitchen, I said the sink which is the place where the water runs into from the tap. So in the kitchen, it's called a sink and in the bathroom is called a basin. And when you run the water or you turn on the tap, you have to put in the plug, you put in the plug to stop the water running down the drain*. And then you pull out the plug to let out the water.

Now, of course, around the basin, you have all those things that we need to keep ourselves clean, and other things that we use every morning and in the evening - before we go to bed. We have of course, some soap in a soap dish, which is an little plate where the soap sits. And also there's some hand gel here, soap in liquid form. And we have toothbrushes for brushing our teeth or cleaning our teeth. And we have toothpaste, toothpaste that you put on the toothbrush.

And then I have a razor. It's not an electric razor. It's a manual one. And it has a razor head, which is disposable. You throw it away when you are finished with it. But - and I don't like throwing things away - this razor head lasts for weeks, about a month. So I think it is quite ecological. And I also have a comb to comb your hair. Or, if you use a brush, then you brush your hair. For example, my wife, she brushes her hair. There are other things here on the shelf as well. Face cream and deodorant, deodorant that we put on under our arms to stop us from being smelly during the day - deodorant. And then for drying ourselves, we have towels and the different sizes of towels  such as a hand towel. A hand towel is for drying your hands and there is a larger towel, which is called a bath towel, which is for drying yourself after a shower or having a bath and the towels hang on a towel rail.

What else have I got here? Oh, of course we've got the other very important place, which is the bath. Now we do have a bath. A bathtub is where you can actually lie down and have a bath. You fill up the bathtub with hot water and you can have a nice soak in hot bath. But we don't do that very much in this family because in Spain, they prefer a shower and is much quicker and more ecological too. So we have a shower here as well. Turn on the shower, get under the shower, we say - a couple of minutes, nice and clean again.

Also in the bath[room] I've got things like some bath gel for washing yourself and sponges, a sponge which is a soft thing and also a brush as well for scrubbing your back. That's nice, isn't it as you can't actually reach your back very well so you have a brush on a long handle and you can scrub your back as well. Lovely, okay. And then when you get out of the bath there is a piece of material on the floor, called a bath mat.

I suppose I could go on for a long time, couldn't I? There are so many different bits and pieces, different things in the bathroom that we use. But I think the main ones, and the last thing here on the floor are scales of all weighing yourself. Now I'm going to weigh myself here and just see, oh my goodness, I think I need to go on a diet. I'm too heavy. I get off the scales. And then I'll finish with that little visit to our bathroom.

Bye for now.

*We also call the hole where the plug goes - the plughole. So we say, the water goes down the plughole..


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