Exercise: Saxon genitive 1.

The possessive case: John's house, etc.

Complete the sentences with the Saxon genitive.

Mary has a pink computer.

It's Mary's     pink computer.

1) John has an old watch.

It's old watch.

2) Mary has a sports car.

It's sports car.

3) Mavis has a parrot.

It's parrot.

4) Mary and John have a bungalow.

It's bungalow.

5) The students have new books.

They're the books.

6) My daughter has some toys.

They're my toys.

7) The doctor has a mobile phone.

It's the mobile phone.

8) The secretaries have a photocopier.

It's the photocopier.

9) Dave, John and Mary have a blog.

It's blog.

10) The men have a limousine.

It's the limousine.



*Incorrect answers are shown in red. You have TWO chances to find the correct answers.

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