Exercise: modal auxiliary, must 2.

Exercise on must in first person.

The sentences below are the "voice of your conscience" talking. Make obligations for yourself (or yourself and others) using must in first person: I or we.

You're worried because you don't go to bed early at night.

I must go    to bed early at night.

1) You're worried because you don't get up early in the mornings.

early in the mornings.

2) You're worried because you never visit Grandmother.


3) You're worried because you never give money to charity.

money to charity.

4) You're worried because you always take the car and don't walk to work.

to work.

5) You're worried because you and your husband never go out in the evenings.

in the evenings.

6) You're worried because you and your girlfriend never buy organic food.

organic food.

7) You're worried because you don't do English grammar exercises every day.

English grammar exercises every day.

8) You're worried because you don't watch the news.

the news.

9) You're worried because you and your family never go places at the weekends.

places at the weekends.

10) You're worried because you don't try to get a promotion at work.

a promotion at work.



*Incorrect answers are shown in red. You have TWO chances to find the correct answers.



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