Exercise: indirect questions 1.

Write the second part of these indirect questions. Follow the example.

Where are the biscuits?

Can you tell me where the biscuits are     ?

1) Where is the bus station?

Could you tell me ?

2) When do the shops close?

Would you let me know ?

3) Why was the train late?

Do you know ?

4) What is the matter?

Please tell me .

5) How long does it take?

I'd like to know ?

6) How do I do this exercise?

Can you explain how ?

7) Can I have a pay rise?

Is there any chance ?

8) How did the film end?

I wonder if you could tell me .

9) How did he start the car?

Do you have any idea ?

10) Could you turn the radio down?

I'd be grateful if .



*Incorrect answers are shown in red. You have TWO chances to find the correct answers.



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