Exercise: mixed conditionals 2

Exercise on mixed conditionals - second conditional (if clause) + third conditional

Explanation of mixed conditionals (listen and read)...

Write in the correct solution from the verbs in brackets and write it in the space provided. These are mixed conditionals, where the if clause is in the second conditional. Always use the modal would for the third conditional in the main clause.

If I (be taller), I (be) a good basketball player.

were taller                    would have been          


1) If I (not be) afraid of snakes, I (go) to see that film Anaconda.

2) If you (have) a car licence, we (rent) a car for that holiday last summer.

3) If Mary (be) more sociable, she (not argue) with everybody in that meeting.

4) I (fly) right out of that boring meeting if I (have) wings.

5) There (not be) so many wars in our history if mankind (be) a more peaceful species.

6) It (not fit) inside the box if it (be) larger.

7) If there (be) a better way to make a living, I (leave) this job a long time ago.

8) If clients (not call) me everyday, this company (go) bankrupt many years ago.

9) If this brand of windows (not be) so strong, the glass (break) in the storm.

10) Your pumpkin (win) first prize if it (be) bigger.



*Incorrect answers are shown in red. You have TWO chances to find the correct answers.



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